SB 94: Tilting the Playing Field for Unscrupulous Mortgage Servicers, Verdict Magazine, Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals, July 2010 The Criminal Character of the Civil Immigration Law System, Verdict Magazine, Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals, July 2009 The Trickle Down Bailout Bottoms Out, Verdict Magazine, Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals, July 2008 Immigration Issues in a New World: The End of INS, NCHRA Legal and Legislative Affairs Council, 2003 The Mess at INS, San Francisco Attorney Magazine, June 2002 Opening a US Office: Immigration Aspects of Offshore Software, San Francisco Attorney Magazine, June 2001 In and Out of Cuba: Two Sides of an Unusual Immigration Process, BASF Barrister’s Club Journal, June 2001 A Footnote to the Linda Chavez Scandal, San Francisco Attorney Magazine, May 2001 The H-1B Skilled Worker Handbook: Tips and Secrets for Quickly Hiring the Best Candidates, NCHRA HR Continuing Education, 2000 Oh Those H-1Bs: The Silicon Valley’s Skilled Worker Shortage, HR Bulletin, August 2000 |
Writings on immigration, employment law, or litigation published in a journal, or magazine for attorneys, HR managers, and industry professionals |
Bailout Psychology The Trickle Down Bailout The End of the Republic The Great Swindle Who Will Pay the Mortgage When the Owner Walks? San Francisco Chronicle 02/08/2008 Stimulus Plan a Scam to Benefit the Rich The Mortgage Rate "Freeze" - The Real Story Is Fraud San Francisco Chronicle 12/09/2007 The Coming Mortgage Bailout Down to a Science: Biotech Greencards |
Writings on economics, politics, or law published in a mainstream newspaper, or magazine |
Sean on the Radio
Sean on Channel 24 (Cantonese)
HR West - Handling Hot Button Immigration Issues, NCHRA, Oakland, March 2, 2015 - See Sean Olender's program details on the NCHRA West 2015 Brochure. PERM Labor Certification Pathways to Residence, NCHRA Training Center, San Jose, Oct 30, 2013 San Diego International Law Journal Symposium, Chaidez v. US and Padilla Retroactivity, University of San Diego, Mar 15, 2013 PERM Labor Certification Pathways to Residence, NCHRA, San Francisco, Mar 6, 2013 Overcoming Immigration and Compliance Challenges, NCHRA eSummit Webinar Jan 10, 2013 Immigration Remedies for Detained HIV+ Patients, UCSF Incarcerated Populations Conference, Berkeley, May 9, 2012 The Causes of the Crisis, Center for Global Peace and Prosperity, Nov 8, 2008, Alameda Employment Authorization Documents, American Immigration Lawyers Assoc., Webinar, Oct 23, 2008 The Mortgage Crisis and Government Intervention, Bay Area Wealth Builders, Marin, CA, Jan 17, 2008 |
Social Security No Match Letters, Crowne Plaza, San Francisco, Oct 25, 2007; Crowne Plaza San Jose, Nov 1, 2007 Representing HIV and AIDS Asylum Applicants , AIDS Legal Referral Panel, San Francisco, September 18, 2007 Managing HR in the Healthcare Sector, NCHRA, Sir Francis Drake, San Francisco, Jun 14, 2005 New PERM Rules: Big Changes to the Green Card Process, Radisson Hotel Dublin, NCHRA Training Center San Fran., May 5 and 12, 2005 Managing HR in the Healthcare Sector, NCHRA, Sir Francis Drake Hotel, San Francisco, Jun 17, 2004 US Immigration and Nurses: From H-1B to Greencard, Special Training at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India Nov 10 through 12, 2003 New Rules for Work-Based Visas & Greencards, Marriott San Ramon, NCHRA San Francisco Training Center, Aug 8 and 20, 2003 The End of INS and New Rules for Greencards, Marriott San Ramon, NCHRA Center San Francisco, Aug 8 and 20, 2003 |
2003 HR Legislative Update, NCHRA, Hyatt San Jose, Sir Francis Drake, San Fran., Feb 11& 26, 2003 2002 Human Resources Legislative Update, Marriott San Ramon and NCHRA San Fran.Training Center Jan 1, 2002 & Feb 5, 2002 Hiring Foreign Workers in a New World, NCHRA, Hyatt San Jose, Sir Francis Drake San Francisco, Aug 23, 2001 2001 Human Resources Legislative Update, NCHRA, Biltmore Santa Clara, Sir Francis Drake, San Francisco, Feb 8 and 13 2001 Getting the Most from the New H-1B Law, Hilton Hotel, NCHRA, Sunnyvale and Sir Francis Drake, San Francisco, Nov 9 and 14, 2000 21st Century Work Issues: 2000 Legislative Update, Sir Francis Drake San Francisco and Hilton Sunnyvale, Aug 15 and 22, 2000 Hiring Foreign Professionals, NCHRA, Sheraton Concord, Hyatt Palo Alto, Jun 21 and Jul 11, 2000 Business Immigration and Compensation Issues, NCHRA, Hilton Sunnyvale, Sir Francis Drake San Francisco, Jul 23 and 27, 1999 |
San José, CA 95008
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
We represent some clients who have compelling cases and little money at no charge. Sean received the Benito Juarez human rights award in 2008 and the ALRP Volunteer Award in 2012 for taking more than 10 pro bono cases in 12 months. We need volunteers. E-mail Debbie to volunteer.
If you are not a US citizen, you must change your address with DHS within 10 days of moving or face deportation. Click Here.